Starways Congress - date of establishment

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Starways Congress - date of establishment

Postby PolishBoy%Private » Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:21 am

I just started reading Shadows in Flight... The 1st chapter tells the reader 400 something years have passed since Bean left Earth and Starways Congress has been already established. If I remember my Speaker for the Dead correctly, the Congress wasn't established for over a millennium after Ender's "xenocide". What's up with that???

I also found some sources on the nets ;) that describe how Starways Congress was established by United States winning a war with Free People of Earth. I don't recall any mention of such a thing in any of Ender's Quintet books so I assume it's somewhere later in Shadows in Flight... Is that correct? If not, can somebody please refresh my memory?

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Re: Starways Congress - date of establishment

Postby BenMcLean » Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:16 pm

The reason for this is very simple: The books are flatly inconsistent and there is no reconciling them.

The Ender's Game wiki needs much improvement to stop this kind of thing from happening in future books. Fans can make a difference by contributing to it.

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