Guilty Pleasures and Irrational Irritations

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Postby Andorbal » Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:57 pm

irational irritation: netspeak. i hate it. "clicky" and "iawtc" and adding a needless "ie" to the end of ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. fine, i myself have succumbed to some. i'll say "pic" on occasion. but mostly? i'll "lol" and that's about it. and i NEVER "lol" when i'm actually laughing, so what's the point? i haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate netspeaks. damn "teh internetz."

And I do believe that's to be the first, last and only time I'll be using that particular chat/net speak acronym.

I don't even know what QFT means!

Unfortunately, one of my guilty pleasures is using "teh", "intarweb", "evar", etc. in actual speech because I think it's funny how stupid they sound.

II: People that don't use a comma before the 'and' in a list of three or more items: red, white and blue.


As far as the Mac vs Windows thing goes, I think people who actually care what others use are silly. What? You like Adidas? You're wrong, Nike is better. You think Ford is good? Wrong again, Chevy's the best. I'm a bit of a hypocrite because I'll argue music and movies, but...

Also, I've got nothing against debating the merits of different OSes, shoes, cars, etc., but more often than not, they turn into religious wars...


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Postby zeroguy » Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:33 pm

As far as the Mac vs Windows thing goes, I think people who actually care what others use are silly. What? You like Adidas? You're wrong, Nike is better. You think Ford is good? Wrong again, Chevy's the best. I'm a bit of a hypocrite because I'll argue music and movies, but...

Also, I've got nothing against debating the merits of different OSes, shoes, cars, etc., but more often than not, they turn into religious wars...
Actually, I think the biggest problem is that people try to argue for which is "best" overall, which is just nonsensical. Kinda like this:
Irrational irritation: when people insist that Windows is better. The only reason that they can give is because you can play better games. If they try to give a different reason, they refuse to listen.

I'm probably the same way about Macs, but at least I'm somewhat right.
Another problem is that most people don't actually know what the differences between the various systems are at the OS level, or even specifically what an OS is. (I would say most of Windows' security problems are some of the ridiculous default settings in userland programs, which have nothing to do with the OS kernel.) Not knowing that (which is by no means something I think all computer users need to know, or anything), makes it pointless to even argue about it.

This is going to need it's own thread soon if this continues, but...
This isn't really true. 15% of the computer community (that's a statistic I heard somewhere, but can't remember where; it could have been wrong, but it's probably close) uses a Mac. That is a LOT of people. Windows is a very poorly written OS and is a lot more susceptible to malware. Yes, it is a major consideration that Windows is the most popular OS, but there would be SOMETHING built for Mac (other than the, what, 1 virus they've found?) if it were as weakly built as Windows is.
If you create a virus, it doesn't make a lot of sense to write one for any OS except the most prevalent one. The only reason to do otherwise is to disprove the theoretical security that one system may have over another. And that is why the only virii for Macs are the proof-of-concept ones, and not ones actually intended to spread. (Well, there might be a few exceptions to that, but you don't hear a lot about them.)

In addition, Mac's marketshare was much lower in past years than it is now, so practically all malware was written for Windows. So, these days, the existing that's already been written was written for Windows, and was written for the x86 architecture. It's a lot easier to improve/modernize existing code than writing stuff from scratch... so it'd be a lot more work to write Mac/Linux/BSD/whatever virii than Windows ones.

So, although I do purport that there are some things Windows does that are very very bad (took it forever to get some kind of privilege separation and any kind of file permissions, and MS takes forever to patch some of the serious vulnerabilities after they have been announced), you would not be hearing about it as the least secure OS if the usage percentages were flipped. (Example with the browser wars: Firefox suddenly isn't so secure anymore, now that it's usage numbers are starting to increase.)
Last edited by zeroguy on Mon Jan 08, 2007 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Andorbal » Mon Jan 08, 2007 3:59 pm

Zeroguy, I think I'm inclined to agree with most, if not all, of the points you make. It's official, you're my new hero! ;)


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Postby v-girl » Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:13 pm

guilty pleasure: having a glass of wine while i study.

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Postby Young Val » Sat Jan 20, 2007 2:32 pm

guilty pleasure: watching MTV's The Hills, or, as my friend Helena likes to call it, Pretty People Being Sad.
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Postby luminousnerd » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:43 pm

If you create a virus, it doesn't make a lot of sense to write one for any OS except the most prevalent one. The only reason to do otherwise is to disprove the theoretical security that one system may have over another. And that is why the only virii for Macs are the proof-of-concept ones, and not ones actually intended to spread. (Well, there might be a few exceptions to that, but you don't hear a lot about them.)
Again, a LOT of people use Mac. Hundreds of thousands. It would make plenty of sense to make a virus that would affect so many people. It would make TONS of sense. Because almost every single Mac-User goes without ANY protection, because they don't need it. If you built a virus for Mac, it would affect more people than a virus for Windows!

Almost every Windows user has a virus, but everyone also has anti-virus software. Some slip through it, because there are so many, but being one of those is unlikely. If you really wanted to affect a lot of people, and it were possible, you'd build a virus for Mac, because no Mac user worries about viruses.

But the simple fact remains: it's nearly impossible to build a virus for mac, and actually impossible to build one that survives very long.
In addition, Mac's marketshare was much lower in past years than it is now, so practically all malware was written for Windows. So, these days, the existing that's already been written was written for Windows, and was written for the x86 architecture. It's a lot easier to improve/modernize existing code than writing stuff from scratch... so it'd be a lot more work to write Mac/Linux/BSD/whatever virii than Windows ones.
Yes, but more viruses have been created since OS X came out, pretty much bringing Mac back into the game. I would guess that more viruses have been made in the last year than ever before. And PLENTY of malware gets written from scratch.

Also, when XP came out it was entirely new architecture, so everyone had to rewrite everything anyway, for the most part.
So, although I do purport that there are some things Windows does that are very very bad (took it forever to get some kind of privilege separation and any kind of file permissions, and MS takes forever to patch some of the serious vulnerabilities after they have been announced), you would not be hearing about it as the least secure OS if the usage percentages were flipped. (Example with the browser wars: Firefox suddenly isn't so secure anymore, now that it's usage numbers are starting to increase.)
If Apple ever went above 50% market share for their OS, the next 42% would take a year at most. Windows just wouldn't be able to put up a fight, because people would start to realize how very, very secure Apple's OS was, at least compared to Windows.

So in a way, you're right, you wouldn't hear about Windows being the least secure, because you wouldn't hear about Windows at all.

I do admit Mac would have a few viruses, nothing is completely secure, but it would be a hell of a lot better off than Windows is now. That's for sure.

And your example only proves my point. Firefox is still about 25 times more secure than Internet Explorer.
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Postby daPyr0x » Sat Jan 20, 2007 5:39 pm

I know when you're arguing back and forth with your friends you can go ahead and make up whatever you want.

IA: People who make up 'facts'

But when you're taking the time to write up such a long post it's good to not spew unsubstantiated "evidence" that shows a lack of intelligence and backing rather than proving your point as being true.
Again, a LOT of people use Mac. Hundreds of thousands. It would make plenty of sense to make a virus that would affect so many people. It would make TONS of sense. Because almost every single Mac-User goes without ANY protection, because they don't need it. If you built a virus for Mac, it would affect more people than a virus for Windows!
Why target a smaller market which does actually have some better security practices in place - many of which have been recognized and put into use by Microsoft - when you can target a larger market? Not to mention the fact that regardless of the current state of the OS, many many people still use Windows 98, ME, etc, and do not update them to counter the vulnerabilities found. MacOS users tend to be more concientious and also more....gadget happy....tending to opt to upgrade to the latest and greatest often.
Almost every Windows user has a virus, but everyone also has anti-virus software. Some slip through it, because there are so many, but being one of those is unlikely. If you really wanted to affect a lot of people, and it were possible, you'd build a virus for Mac, because no Mac user worries about viruses.
Almost every windows user has a virus? Where does this come from? I don't believe that, prove it.
But the simple fact remains: it's nearly impossible to build a virus for mac, and actually impossible to build one that survives very long.
Again, proof? It's only more difficult because the masses have been studying the Windows architecture for well over 10 years now, the innards are known quite well, and documentation is easily locatable for assistance in building a successful virus. MacOS doesn't have this, thus it is more difficult because you cannot build on others' knowledge, you have to learn it all yourself which would take an awful lot more time and caring than most virus writers are going to put in to it.

And, impossible? Nothing is impossible, my friend. How do you come to that conclusion that it's impossible? Because your MacOS comes out with a new .x version every 6 months costing you over $100 to upgrade versus the Windows security updates which are released as soon as they are available, regardless of whether or not sometimes they take a while to make it through the process? It's not impossible.
Yes, but more viruses have been created since OS X came out, pretty much bringing Mac back into the game. I would guess that more viruses have been made in the last year than ever before. And PLENTY of malware gets written from scratch.
Where does this come from? Do you have any justification that says more viruses have been made since OSX? I seem to remember you saying something along the lines of only one Mac virus ever being discovered....
Also, when XP came out it was entirely new architecture, so everyone had to rewrite everything anyway, for the most part.
No it wasn't. XP was based on Windows NT 5, more popularly known as Windows 2000. Also, as has been a big thing for both Microsoft and Apple, it's very much backwards compatible to 98 and before. A virus that hits 98 can hit XP as well. It's not an entirely new architecture.
If Apple ever went above 50% market share for their OS, the next 42% would take a year at most. Windows just wouldn't be able to put up a fight, because people would start to realize how very, very secure Apple's OS was, at least compared to Windows.

So in a way, you're right, you wouldn't hear about Windows being the least secure, because you wouldn't hear about Windows at all.

I do admit Mac would have a few viruses, nothing is completely secure, but it would be a hell of a lot better off than Windows is now. That's for sure.

And your example only proves my point. Firefox is still about 25 times more secure than Internet Explorer.
How do you figure? Many, and I do mean many, computer users are not the type that are going to up and change from something they've used for years to a whole new system that's foreign for them. Along those lines as well, a large number of users are not going to just up and dump all their old applications in favor of switching to Mac. This, of course, forgetting that there are many people who are unwilling to pay the infamous "Mac Tax", or people that would rather build their own PC than buy a prebuilt, or many other large groups of computer users that would not switch anywhere near as quickly as you suggest.

If Mac had 50% market share or better, the whole scene would be very different, and though I'll fully admit that Mac has had some very secure operations in place that help keep it more secure than Windows was (which isn't always the OS's fault, it's the moron who decided everyone should be an Administrator's fault); ways in will be found if there are more people looking.

And, Firefox 25 times more secure? According to...what? What measurement is 25 times better in Firefox than IE?
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Postby Firegirl » Sun Jan 21, 2007 1:05 am

Guilty Pleasures: Sleeping in and staying up past midnight. Parentheses. Public displays of affection.

Irrational irritation: Movies that are based on books that change the story significantly.
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Postby Petra456 » Fri Apr 13, 2007 12:24 am

Guilty pleasure: Dawson's Creek (I know... I know...). Seven hours of it today.
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Postby Luet » Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:23 am

me too! (tho one episode in a day is my max...i don't have cable). it's horribly embarrassing, isn't it?
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Postby Petra456 » Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:37 am

Yea, but I guess it could be worse. I just finished with season three.
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Postby Jayelle » Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:47 pm

*massive bump*

Guilty Pleasure: Beyonce - All the Single Ladies (mostly because of Glee - which is another guilty pleasure)

Irrational Irritation: PUSH IN YOUR CHAIR! I hate it when people leave their chair pushed out at the library computer desks. How hard is it to just push it in?
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Postby Gravity Defier » Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:24 pm

*massive bump*

Guilty Pleasure: Beyonce - All the Single Ladies (mostly because of Glee - which is another guilty pleasure)

Irrational Irritation: PUSH IN YOUR CHAIR! I hate it when people leave their chair pushed out at the library computer desks. How hard is it to just push it in?
*sigh* Yes. To both. Only, as much as I've really wanted to see Glee, I just haven't yet. I did hear their rendition of "Don't Stop Believing" on the radio earlier this week; twas awesome.
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Postby Petra456 » Thu Oct 08, 2009 5:06 pm

Glee would be a guilty pleasure for me too. I think the main reason I watch the show is for the music. It's tons of fun.
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Postby CezeN » Thu Oct 08, 2009 8:51 pm

Irrational irritation: People who laugh weird.
Is it really that hard to simply laugh at least slightly like a normal person?
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Postby BonitoDeMadrid » Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:12 am

Guilty pleasure: Chocolate of all kinds and sorts (save for chocolate with peanut butter; that I cannot stand).

Irrational Irritation: when my family members don't put their dishes in the dishwasher and instead leave them in the sink, or worse, still on the table. (If it's a finished cornflakes bowl, it's even worse, because cornflakes with milk stays glued to the bowl, and scrubbing it off later, when it's dry, is really, really annoying)

Rational Irritation: Cezen's pic. Scares me and annoys me to no end.
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Postby Mich » Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:39 am

Rational Irritation: Cezen's pic. Scares me and annoys me to no end.
I can understand why. Who would want to be hit with a double-necked fusion of a Gibson Flying V and a 1961 Gibson EB-0? I certainly wouldn't.*

*disclaimer: might not be a fusion of said guitars.
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Postby buckshot » Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:49 pm

Smoking crazy expensive rare cigars paired with fine spirits after a fine meal. After that any irritations are too petty to list. 8)

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Postby Young Val » Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:16 pm

guilty pleasure: watching my "trashy" tv shows while folding laundry.

"Trashy" means everything David won't watch with me, and is not a reflection of the quality of the show. Examples include Glee, Project Runway, The Biggest Loser (I can't help it! I'm such a sucker!), and Dollhouse.
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:35 pm

Dollhouse, Defying Gravity, and Being Erica, for me. Brent is now sufficiently interested in Merlin and Big Bang Theory that I feel guilty watching them without him. I suppose I'll have to branch out and watch more Murdoch Mysteries or something. I like to have the tv on while I cook or clean, and I've pretty much worked through the archives of my current shows.
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Postby Young Val » Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:54 am

Irrational Irritation: I decided a few months ago that I'd write a landmark post (which I've never done) when I hit a nice even number. I decided 1800 was a good one, and then promptly forgot all about it until just now, when I saw that my post count was 1809. Grr.
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Postby starlooker » Sun May 23, 2010 6:41 pm

Some background is required before I explain the irrational irritation.

My fiance has some very peculiar mannerisms of speech. It's really, really hard to explain unless you know him pretty well. It's just how he talks when he's being conversational or, well, basically any time he is not involved in a serious/professional conversation or talking with someone he just met. Mostly it involves purposeful mispronunciations or additions to words. (Sometimes, it involves bad puns.) This used to irrationally irritate me when I would listen to him do it. (For example, whenever it was someone's turn to roll the dice in Trivial Pursuit, he would say to "rolleo the dice." After awhile, it got old.) Somewhere between Thanksgiving 2008 and now, it stopped bothering me. I stopped noticing it, really. And, eventually, I started talking to him in the same dialect. At that point, it was endearing, kind of a piece of our private language, right?

Here's the irrational irritation: Yesterday and today, I began to notice that I now think in these terms. I mean, I've been pronouncing the word "tiger" as "tie-jur" when we talk for some time now (tigers come up in our conversation nearly daily, don't ask), so I'm kind of okay with that, but damnit, it's invaded my music. I cannot listen to "Sweet Home Alabama" without mentally singing, "Sweet home Aleobama." Also, I found myself thinking about working on my "disk-ertation." Ack. It annoys me when I hear it in my brain the same way it used to annoy me when I would hear him saying it for too prolonged a period of time.

And I can't turn it off!

Maybe eventually this will quit bugging me, too?

(And heaven help our future progeny. They're not going to know how to pronounce anything.)
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Postby locke » Mon May 24, 2010 1:19 am

(And heaven help our future progeny. They're not going to know how to pronounce anything.)
from now on I"m going to picture your fiancee as this:

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Postby Jayelle » Mon May 24, 2010 3:15 pm

Oh man, Kirsten, we are a family of purposeful mispronouncers.

It may quit bugging you eventually, or maybe you'll just join in without realizing it.
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Postby starlooker » Mon May 24, 2010 7:13 pm

Adam -- HAHAHA. That is freaking hilarious. And perfect.

Jan -- I hope so. I really, really hope so.
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Postby Syphon the Sun » Mon May 24, 2010 7:36 pm

Oh man, Kirsten, we are a family of purposeful mispronouncers.

My wife and I watch Medium most nights. We've called it "Mead-jum" for a couple years, now. So, anyway, I was sitting in my chair last week and Lifetime tells us "Medium... coming up next." She turns to me and says, in all seriousness, "they just mispronounced Mead-jum." Best. Ever.

Of course, we also pronounce quesadilla as "kay-so-dill-uh" and I've embarrassed myself more than once with that.
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Postby Young Val » Tue May 25, 2010 8:40 am

Is this just something inevitable that happens once you settle into a serious relationship? Because David and I are also guilty.

We also take it one step further and have a habit of sing-speaking. There are several songs we've changed the lyrics to and sing to each other as a means of communication. We have songs about our morning routine, songs about what to make for dinner, song about how many alcoholic beverages to have in an evening, and many, many, MANY songs about our cat and her peculiarities.

The dangerous thing is that whenever we hear the original song we immediately and unconsciously begin singing our version of it. This can lead to some awakward moments in public, such as when a song thats melody we use to sing about our cat's grooming habits came on the radio when we were over a friend's house for dinner and we promptly began singing it at the table.

These are the things I always HATED about other couples, and now I am part of the problem.
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Postby Petra456 » Tue May 25, 2010 11:28 am

MANY songs about our cat and her peculiarities.
We only have a couple of songs about our cats, and it's usually when they decided they want to be in the same room as us. I sing to them in the tune of Mandy by Barry Manilow (maybe this should be in confessions...). The words change depending on what the cat is doing at the time, but it always starts out "Oh Buffy...."
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Postby locke » Tue May 25, 2010 11:40 am

come to think of it, Genette and I used to do the purposeful mispronunciation thing as well. her more than me though.
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Postby daPyr0x » Tue May 25, 2010 12:45 pm

I don't need a significant other to purposely mispronounce things - I do it all the time. I also enjoy using words like irregardlessly, just because it's fun. There was one point where I would endlessly annoy my significant other saying "ver-say-see" instead of Versace...that's always fun.
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Gravity Defier
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Postby Gravity Defier » Tue May 25, 2010 1:14 pm

Uh, this is not restricted to people in romantic relationships. This is normal for people with any relationships; parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, etc.
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Postby Young Val » Tue May 25, 2010 1:57 pm

Uh, this is not restricted to people in romantic relationships. This is normal for people with any relationships; parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, etc.
My friends and I absolutely have our own syntax and a very creative vocabulary. I never meant to imply that it was restricted to romantic relationships. I will say I've never done the mispronounciation thing with my friends, though. With my friends it's almost an entirely separate sub-language, and with David it's more a manipulation of our existing language. Whatever. Didn't mean to be exclusive when I chimed in!
you snooze, you lose
well I have snozzed and lost
I'm pushing through
I'll disregard the cost
I hear the bells
so fascinating and
I'll slug it out
I'm sick of waiting
and I can
hear the bells are
ringing joyful and triumphant

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Postby starlooker » Tue May 25, 2010 4:28 pm

Yeah -- and I have some of that with my friends, too, although it usually is more around references to old memories than mispronunciation. (It's like the Star Trek episode where Captain Picard had to try to communicate with an alien whose language was entirely made up of historical metaphors.) Hmm. You know, really, I don't think I did the mispronunciation thing that often before? My parents definitely don't, that I'm aware, other than when my brother was a baby and we used some of his cute phrases (and my parents say they did the same with mine. Family favorites were "turch" for church, "hang-ga-burs" for hamburgers, and "oylo" and "boylo" for oil and boil.) Not in my adult life, though. Other than when I was working with a team of 20-something behavioral therapists for a little girl with autism. We ALL picked up her little habits of speech. Heck, I still think of gummy bears as baby bears. But, otherwise, no.

Here's the thing, though. The stuff that's ours doesn't bug me. Tiejurs is just fine. Most of it is his, though, not really ours -- he's been doing it long before he met me. And it doesn't bug me when it's him, really, anymore. Just when it's one of his mispronunciations in my brain when I'm alone! Argh! And especially when it's interfering with my music.

Good to know we're not destined to raise children who can't participate in normal conversations, though.

Random: Favorite childhood mispronunciation story (I might have posted this before, but whatever). When I was little, I used to sing "Frosty the snowman was a jolly, happy soul! With a corncob pipe and a butt and a nose..."
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There's another glimpse of sky...
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Postby Eaquae Legit » Tue May 25, 2010 4:56 pm

Random: Favorite childhood mispronunciation story (I might have posted this before, but whatever). When I was little, I used to sing "Frosty the snowman was a jolly, happy soul! With a corncob pipe and a butt and a nose..."
"My bunny lies over the ocean, my bunny lies over the sea...."
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Postby Mommy Brontosaurus » Tue May 25, 2010 7:31 pm

Alts are a guilty pleasure.

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