Shadows in Flight

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Tiny genius
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Re: Shadows in Flight

Postby Tiny genius » Mon May 14, 2012 11:52 pm

Yes, but I took it as meaning that each Formic worker was free (and your fingers aren't!) so while you do control your fingers without enslaving them the HQ controls workers by enslaving them. I think she kills them when she dies but they do have tha capacity to live and to think without the Hive Queens.
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Re: Shadows in Flight

Postby Boothby » Tue Oct 02, 2012 7:39 pm

OK, I just finished Chapter 10 in Shadows in Flight. So far, I'm enjoying it a lot.

But at the end of Chapter 10, I found myself ENJOYING THE HOLY LIVING HECK OUT OF IT!!!!

Could NO ONE think to tell me that OSC went ahead and used my spin-up / spin-down concept I had developed for moving around the Battle School (as detailed in my Endercon presentation in 2002, and then developed further for the "Authorized Ender's Companion") as the means of getting from the non-rotating body of the giant starship into the central, centripetally rotating habitat?!?!

Don't get me wrong--I'm not upset at this. I am pleased, honored and excited that he chose to use it!!

But no one could let me know????


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