Ender's Shadow Bean/Petra question

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Ender's Shadow Bean/Petra question

Postby Tableau » Thu Sep 06, 2012 9:25 pm

In this book Bean confronts Petra because he believes Petra betrayed Ender (with re: to Bonzo) and wants to know why. He states that he may be the best friend she has and in the course of conversation, he states "....I am the only one of these boys who ever chose to have a girl as his commander".

This is the 4th book I have read in this series after EG, SFTD, Shawdow of the Hegemon

I have searched and searched and can't find a reference for that nor do I recall any such event. Can someone help me out on this? Thank you. If it is possible to send answer to my email please feel free.

Thank you for any help you can offer.

Dr. Mobius
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Re: Ender's Shadow Bean/Petra question

Postby Dr. Mobius » Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:25 am

It's been forever since I've read ES, but it sounds like it might be a reference to Bean joining Poke's crew in Rotterdam.
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Re: Ender's Shadow Bean/Petra question

Postby Tableau » Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:42 am

OH Thank you.. Of course you are right! I was stuck on the mistaken
belief he meant that he had chosen Petra as a commander.

Hmm that kind of dimiinishes the point in some ways. I don't think he initially picked Poke because he had a lot or respect for her.. I think he picked her primarily out of survival needs.

Wow.. you have a phenominal memory.
Thank you again.

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